
writing home: a whole life practice
with poet, writer &
circle facilitator
Mary Ann Moore

Writing Home: A Whole Practice is a book, and a six-week writing circle.

Unfold your personal story. Envelop yourself with your own wisdom. Live your life from that heart-opening place.


The Book

Writing Home: A Whole Life Practice is available for $55. at Windowseat Books in Nanaimo, B.C. You can also request a copy directly from Mary Ann Moore at creativity@maryannmoore.ca. If you are elsewhere in Canada, please visit compendiumshop.ca where the cost includes postage in Canada. Special arrangements can be made for U.S. customers.

“With joy and ease, I turn to Mary Ann Moore’s Writing Home: A Whole Life Practice. Each chapter’s guidelines, stories, reflections and easy to incorporate practices evoke my curiosity and deepen my creative explorations. I write with more courage, relate to what I’ve written with a kinder and gentler presence, and access inner and collective wisdom with greater clarity.”
Kate Burns, Nanaimo, BC


A Writing Home: A Whole Life Practice circle (six Wednesdays)

Thursday, May 16 to Thursday, June 20, 2024, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (noon) Pacific time
on Zoom

Writing Home is a six-week writing pilgrimage to uncover your story and express your unique voice.

Visit iajw.org  for the complete description and registration information. Here’s the direct link.

Are you looking for a spiritual practice that is uniquely yours?

In Writing Home: A Whole Life Practice, the book, you can look forward to receiving:

  • Inspiration to begin and maintain your writing as a spiritual, and self-nourishing practice;
  • Suggestions to explore writing as a physical practice for each stage of your journey;
  • Stories, poetry, and prompts to guide your writing practice including a poem making kit,
  • Guidelines for forming a writing circle with others.

Writing Home: A Whole Life Practice will guide you on a pilgrimage to find the meaning of home, by which I mean your unique place in the world, using the five creative awareness practices mentioned above to acknowledge, access, let go of, integrate and live your new story.

Part I is “Writing on Your Own” with inspiration to begin and sustain writing as a physical and spiritual practice.

Part II is “Writing in the Circle” including circle guidelines as well as “The Ten Creative Components of the Circle”.

Part III consists of seven exploratory stages, in the form of seven chapters, related to the seven chakras, with personal essays, poetry, letters from women who have participated in my writing circles (which began in Toronto in 1997), writing prompts, ideas for visual exploration, and suggestions for movement and meditation. Each chapter has guidelines for working on your own or in a circle with others.

“If you are seeking support to express your own voice, create more flow in your life, and get in touch with your authentic self, whether you are a writer, artist or creative dreamer, Mary Ann Moore’s Writing Home mentoring program is a gentle but persuasive invitation to awakening. It is no coincidence that in the year that I have undertaken the Writing Home journey with Mary Ann, I am finally connecting with my true voice in painting, after many years of false starts, doubts and uncertainties. Mary Ann’s Writing Home contains a gentle and lyrical wisdom that invites you to begin down the path to living a life of greater authenticity.”
Becky Tilly, Artist and Poet


Here are the Writing Home: A Whole Life Practice chapter themes that will provide the weekly themes for the six-week writing circle through the International Association for Journal Writing on Zoom:

Writing Home: A Whole Life Practice includes an Introduction; Part I: Writing on Your Own; and Part II: Writing in the Circle.  You’ll see the chapter titles listed below. The book with its cover mandala was designed by sarah clark design (www.sarahclarkdesign.ca). 

The chapters of Writing Home: A Whole Life Practice are as follows:

  1. At The Threshold;
  2. The Longing for Home;
  3. The Sacred Call;
  4. Departure: Leaving Home to Find Home;
  5. The Pilgrim’s Way;
  6. Arrival: At Home in the Body; and
  7. Bringing Back the Boon.

Weekly inspiration

The Writing Home writing circle will offer you inspirational quotes, poems, and other words to keep you going. You’re not alone; there are many of us on the journey home. We’ll write while we’re together and you will be able to share your writing when you feel comfortable doing so. Any comments provided will be to encourage and support the writing of your stories from life. 

Benefits of Writing Home: A Whole Life Practice

  1. Nature’s support for your unfolding journey.
  2. Fresh insight from your version of your own story.
  3. An integration of your own wisdom.
  4. A building of confidence to take you into new, creative directions.
  5. An observation of patterns and themes as they gently surface.
  6. The releasing of old wounds.
  7. Your own unique field guide of personal references.
  8. A celebration of your uniqueness.
  9. An awareness of the extraordinary in everyday life.
  10. A view of the world from your soul’s perspective.
  11. Affirmation of your soul’s calling.
  12. A tapping into the ancient wisdom of the ancestors and everything around you; even the stones are storytellers.
  13. An integration of all of who you are.
  14. Your own spiritual practice that helps you wake up to your life.

About Mary Ann Moore: As a poet, writer and circle facilitator, I bring many years of experience, passion and playfulness to writing in community. I find great delight in seeing people awaken their creative potential. My poetry has appeared in chapbooks published by Leaf Press, literary journals, websites, anthologies and on CD: When My Heart is Open.  My books of poetry are Fishing for Mermaids (Leaf Press, 2014) and Mending (house of appleton, 2022).